Ajwa Khajoor Price in Pakistan

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Khajoors or dates are the most significant part of holy month ramadan’s cuisine, which is considered as best for breaking fast all across the world due to its infinite health benefits. There are numerous types of khajoor/dates are available today with various different health benefits and tastes. These dates are highly recommended diet especially in month of Ramadan and most valuable dry fruits in Islam.

Health Benefits of Khajoors/Dates:

Being an ideal source of different minerals and vitamins to boost energy after fasting, dates contain fiber, sugar, zinc, magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, calcium and more. Khajoor seeds are also contains health benefits if crushed used. It also improves digestion, Lowers cholesterol, strengthen bones, nervous system and improve skin.

Buy khajoors/dates online in Pakistan:

Buy high quality imported khajoors/dates from Saudi Arabia, online at Shoprex,com in Pakistan, which are ideal to use in the holy month of Ramadan, also can be gifted to your dearest relatives and friends. The types of dates/khajoors include Ajwa, Amber, Rabia, Mabroom, Qalmi, Suri and more, available in 400 and 800 grams with high quality packing. Check out all khajoor Price in Pakistan and buy online at Shoprex.com. Order your favorite Khajoor now from all across Pakistan.

Sukri Dates

Sukri or Sukkari is one of the type of dates found in Saudi Arabia which is also known as King of dates, it contains brown color and usually more sweeter than any other date. Sukri dates are ideal for the instant energy and taste to eat on daily bases or in month of Ramadan.

Amber dates

Amber dates are also cultivated and imported from Saudi Arabia, Madina, it is bigger in size and can also be used to make juices or shakes.  It comes in the beautiful package so it can be gifted to friends and relatives and be ideal for Ramadan and other special occasions.

Qalmi dates

Qalmi is quality date type from Saudi Arabia and Oman which comes with high quality packing, it is one of vast kind of black dates with rich in taste. There are variety of health benefits found in qalmi dates due to filled with high potassium and best to prevent diarrhea.

Mabroom dates

Mabroom are considered to e among premium dates available today, it contains various minerals and feels sweet and soft as well, some of the research also found antioxidants which are much health beneficial, it is also imported from Saudi Arabia in high quality packaging.

Rabia dates

Rabia dates are small brown dates and found in vast majority across Saudi Arabia, provide strength and energy in Ramadan while breaking fast. It is also recommended for the agedness and weak people who require energy and strength without any side effects.

Ajwa khajoor

Ajwa dates are considered to be the most valuable and expensive date due to its high demand and features. It also has some significant religious values, in Islam there are number of health benefits have been describe from Ajwa dates, it was first cultivated in Madina Manawa.

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